NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley has signalled support for a Communications Alliance-led study into the different potential broadband rollouts in Australia, to help inform what he said has become a "serious debate" over the National Broadband Network (NBN) project.Quigley said:In a wide-ranging speech delivered at an American Chamber of Commerce lunch in Sydney on Friday, Quigley went through the pros and cons of the different sorts of technologies that are currently being debated in the public arena ahead of the 2013 federal election: fibre to the premises (FttP), fibre to the node (FttN), hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC), fixed wireless, and satellite.
It is for this reason that NBN Co welcomes and supports a study that is being considered by the Communications Alliance into the potential pros and cons of a range of policy and technology options and their future impact on the National Broadband Network.Somewhat predictably, Malcolm Turnbull, the opposition spokesman, attacked, again as reported by ZDnet:
"This isn't policy on the run. It's policy chaos," he said.See also the full blog entry by Turnbull.Turnbull said that unless Quigley can explain why the Communications Alliance would be better suited to run the inquiry rather than the Productivity Commission or Infrastructure Australia, then the proposal was a "cheap stunt".
See also Communications Alliance.
If this is true, this will be a great news. Imagine, NBN will support the communication system in Scotland. This is to prove that NBN is having a capability of venturing quality system of communications.